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PhotoShop Scanger Hunt - First Assignment

Lesson 1 cutting tools

Turn off the → AI (Contextual Task Bar)

Go to top menu bar click Window > Contextual Task Bar(it is close to bottom of list) > toggle the check mark off

Cutting tools Assests

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Lesson Video:

Frame Cutting CFA

You will arrange the CFA in this order

Week 2:

All About me!! (60 point Summative Project)

Create a project expressing yourself with at least 5 things you like on a backgroud of your choice. Do not just put whole pictures, you must show cutting skills and cut images from the pictures − SEE ATTACHED RUBRIC To Start − Open Photoshop Click − "Create New" choose 7 x 5 300ppi Default

All About Me 3 2 1 0
Cutting of images Cut out a total of 5 images properly Cut out a less than 5 images properly Cut out a less than 3 images properly Cutting out of no images or they are done incorrectly (square pictures no use of cutting tools)
Number of images Student has a background and 5 images Student has a background and less than 5 images Student has a background and less than 3 images Student is missing the background and less than 2 images

Week 3:

Lesson 2 Layers & Blending

Layers & Blending Assests

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Lesson Video:

Post Card CFA

Post Card CFA Assests

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You will do your best to make it look like the Example

Create a Critter (90 point Summative Project)

Create your own creature using layers, cutting tools, and blending options for a realistic effect. (You will also need the transform and resizing tool to piece it together − All critters must have 5 different animal types in creation

Now it is time to make your own creature that has never been seen before! Using layers, Use cut and paste to give extra arms, eyes, ears etc., use blending options to make it look smooth in transitions. Use your creativity to come up with something truly unique! Then place it in a background of its ecosystem. − SEE ATTACHED RUBRIC To Start − Open Photoshop Click − "Create New" choose 7 x 5 300ppi Default

Create a Critter 3 2 1 0
Critter creation Student has at least 5 different animal parts making the critter Student has less than 5 different animal parts making the critter Student has less than 3 different animal parts making the critter Student has less than 2 different animal parts making the critter
Layers Student has copied all (5) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has copied less than (5) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has copied less than (3) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has not made any copied layers or added enhancements to the wrong layers
Blending Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on all (5) copied enhanced layers Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on less than (5) copied enhanced layers Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on less than (3) copied enhanced layers Student has not added any blending options to copied layers or placed them on the wrong layers

Week 4:

Week 5:

Create a Critter (90 point Summative Project)

Create your own creature using layers, cutting tools, and blending options for a realistic effect. (You will also need the transform and resizing tool to piece it together − All critters must have 5 different animal types in creation

Now it is time to make your own creature that has never been seen before! Using layers, Use cut and paste to give extra arms, eyes, ears etc., use blending options to make it look smooth in transitions. Use your creativity to come up with something truly unique! Then place it in a background of its ecosystem. − SEE ATTACHED RUBRIC To Start − Open Photoshop Click − "Create New" choose 7 x 5 300ppi Default

Create a Critter 3 2 1 0
Critter creation Student has at least 5 different animal parts making the critter Student has less than 5 different animal parts making the critter Student has less than 3 different animal parts making the critter Student has less than 2 different animal parts making the critter
Layers Student has copied all (5) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has copied less than (5) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has copied less than (3) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has not made any copied layers or added enhancements to the wrong layers
Blending Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on all (5) copied enhanced layers Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on less than (5) copied enhanced layers Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on less than (3) copied enhanced layers Student has not added any blending options to copied layers or placed them on the wrong layers

Lesson 3 Shadow & Masking

Shadow & Masking Assests

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Lesson Video:

Week 6:

Lesson 3 Shadow & Masking

Shadow & Masking Assests

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Lesson Video:

Shadow & Masking CFA


  1. Rasterize Type on Text Layer
  2. Press Ctrl-T go over right click and warp it
  3. Duplicate the new object Layer
  4. Select the newly created copy Layer
  5. Find the Quick Selection tool it is about four down
  6. Click Select Subject Button on the top
  7. Now go to Edit − find Fill option and set the fill to black press ok
  8. Now change the opacity of the layer to around 30%
  9. Pull the copy Layer below the orginal layer
  10. hit CTRL-T go over right click and use Darp or Distort
  11. Pull out the Shadow


  1. Find a pattern on the internet you like and copy image
  2. Go over the layer you Plan to Mask and CTRL-V the pattern above it
  3. Use CTRL-T to Distort the pattern to cover the item to be masked
  4. Now right click the Layer and choose Create a Clipping Mask

Shadow & Masking Assests

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You will do your best to make it look like the Example

Create A Hero (60 point Summative Project)

You will now use masking and shadowing techniques to create yourself in a hero/toon of your choice. I would suggest Disney, Pixar, Marvel, or DC comics. The choice is up to you.SEE ATTACHED RUBRIC To Start − Open Photoshop Click − "Create New" choose 7 x 5 300ppi Default



Create A Hero 3 2 1 0
Masking of Text & Toon The Text and 2 items are properly masked with patterns Student of the 3 needed masks has done 2 or less items properly masked with patterns Student only properly masked with pattern 1 item on toon. Student did not do any masking
Shadowing of text & Toon Student has applied shadow to both the text and toon taking in the idea of lighting Student has applied shadow to both the text and toon, but does not consider lighting Student has applied only one shadow either on the toon or lettering Student has not done any shadowing in the project

Week 7:

Lesson 4 Painting

File needed for painiting

you will need to switch the "Workspace" to Paint

Sky Brush Settings: Size: 36px

Bristles: 35%Stiffness: 75
Length: 32%Angle: 0
Thickness: 2Spacing: 2

Lesson Videos:

Week 8:

Painting CFA

Painting Assests

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You will do your best to make it look like the Example

Week 8 − 9

Create Painting

Summative Project 90/90 pts possible
Create a painting 3 2 1 0
Background − ∑3 X 3 = 9*3 (27pts)
Proper paininting of Background Student has fully painted the background properly using the proper brush settings Student has not painted the full background properly using the proper brush settings 80% Student has not painted background in the project properly using the correct brushes Less than 50% Student did not paint the background at all correctly
Cleanliness Student has taken time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not taken enough time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not clearly taken any time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Students painting is not painted at all or it is just quickly done without care of quality
Paint Color Mix Student has properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes on all the painting Student shows they do not understand the wet & dry functions on the painting
Added Photos to background 1 − 3 ∑2 X 3 = (6+1 for fully painted)*3 = 21 pts/layer(photo) * 3 layers (63pts)
Cleanliness photo Layer Student has taken time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not taken enough time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not clearly taken any time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Students painting is not painted at all or it is just quickly done without care of quality
Paint Color Mix photo layer Student has properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes on all the painting Student shows they do not understand the wet & dry functions on the painting