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PhotoShop Scanger Hunt - First Assignment

Turn off the → AI (Contextual Task Bar)

Go to top menu bar click Window > Contextual Task Bar(it is close to bottom of list) > toggle the check mark off

Week 2 − 4:

All About me!!

Turn off the → AI (Contextual Task Bar)

Go to top menu bar click Window > Contextual Task Bar(it is close to bottom of list) > toggle the check mark off

File needed for painiting

you will need to switch the "Workspace" to Paint

then under brushes import the "CIB Landscape Brushes"

look to the daily slide for the numbers to create the Sky Brush for painting

Sky Brush Settings: Size: 36px

Bristles: 35%Stiffness: 75
Length: 32%Angle: 0
Thickness: 2Spacing: 2

Summative Project 105/100 pts possible
All About Me 3 2 1 0
Cutting of images Cut out a total of 5 images properly Cut out a less than 5 images properly Cut out a less than 3 images properly Cutting out of no images or they are done incorrectly (square pictures no use of cutting tools)
Proper paininting of Background Student has fully painted the background properly using the proper brush settings Student has not painted the full background properly using the proper brush settings 80% Student has not painted background in the project properly using the correct brushes Less than 50% Student did not paint the background at all correctly
Cleanliness Student has taken time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not taken enough time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not clearly taken any time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Students painting is not painted at all or it is just quickly done without care of quality
Paint Color Mix Student has properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes on all the painting Student shows they do not understand the wet & dry functions on the painting
Layers Student has copied all (5) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has copied less than (5) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has copied less than (3) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has not made any copied layers or added enhancements to the wrong layers
Blending Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on all (5) copied enhanced layers Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on less than (5) copied enhanced layers Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on less than (3) copied enhanced layers Student has not added any blending options to copied layers or placed them on the wrong layers
Text Masking The Text is properly masked with pattern Student has Text but did not use masking correct Student has text but no masking Student did not do any Text or masking

Week 5 − 7:

Create a Critter

  • Objective: Create your own creature using layers, tools to erase parts of the layers, masking tools, color matching and painting tools to make it look realistic. (Will be looking to contrast changes that does not make it realistic. This is all about making it look real)

    Now it is time to make your own creature that has never been seen before! Using layers, opacity, masking tools, color matching and painting tools to replace your creatures' skin with another's. Use cut and paste to give extra arms, eyes, ears etc. Use your creativity to come up with something truly unique! Then give it an appropriate name. You will also be placing it on a light color background using shadowing affects to cast a shadow of your creature.

    • Check List:
    • Background Picture is painted
      • Grading for cleanliness − Did you change brush sizes to maintain detail
      • Grading for paint color mix − did you use wet paint setting for better blending of paining

    • Critter has at least 5 differnt animal parts
      • Cutting of images is done clean
      • Using either color match tool or masking tools for skin animal parts look real
      • All images have been copied to a second layer and turned into a layer enhancement
      • On the copied enhancement layer proper blending options are added for more realism
      • When Critter is Built merge all of the critters layers and select subject and then copy − CTRL − Z back to un-merge the layers for layer inspection
      • Now Press CTRL − V to paste a copy of the whole critter select subject on the layer and fill with black then shift opacity and place in back of critter and use CTRL − T to free transform the shadow of the critter

Summative Project 162/150 pts possible
Create a Critter 3 2 1 0
Cutting of images Cut out a total of 5 images properly Cut out a less than 5 images properly Cut out a less than 3 images properly Cutting out of no images or they are done incorrectly (square pictures no use of cutting tools)
Proper paininting of Background Student has fully painted the background properly using the proper brush settings Student has not painted the full background properly using the proper brush settings 80% Student has not painted background in the project properly using the correct brushes Less than 50% Student did not paint the background at all correctly
Cleanliness Student has taken time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not taken enough time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not clearly taken any time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Students painting is not painted at all or it is just quickly done without care of quality
Paint Color Mix Student has properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes on all the painting Student shows they do not understand the wet & dry functions on the painting
Transforming Student has applied free transform to all the parts of the critter making it look smooth and real Student has applied free tranform to the critter parts, but some proportion are off Student has applied free transform to critter parts, but the parts just do not work for realism Student has not given any thought to the putting together of the critter it looks more like a collage
Skin Color or masking Student has applied color matching or used skin masking and has made the critter completely beliviable Color matching or skin masking does not fit well has some contrasting affects Student has not given any thought to the putting together of the critter it looks more like a collage Student has not applied color matching or skin masking and has just place parts together
Layers Student has copied all (5) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has copied less than (5) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has copied less than (3) of the layers and added a layer enhancement on the copy layer (Not Original) Student has not made any copied layers or added enhancements to the wrong layers
Blending Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on all (5) copied enhanced layers Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on less than (5) copied enhanced layers Student has added at least 1 - 3 blending options on less than (3) copied enhanced layers Student has not added any blending options to copied layers or placed them on the wrong layers
Shadowing Student has applied shadowing to critter taking in the idea of lighting Student has applied shadowing critter, but does not consider lighting Student has only Partially shadowed the toon Student has not done any shadowing of the Toon

Week 8 − 9:

Create a Theme Painting

  • Objective: Create your own Theme Orientated painted scene using 6 different photo theme related photos turned to painted images and placed on a painted background of your choice for the overall Theme

    You will create a painted scene using the default 7 x 5 300ppi. You need to download 7 photos, 6 will be used as images added to the scene and a photograph of a background (may need to be stretched to 7” width) all that will be converted to painting. Use the techniques and brushes from the painting lesson earlier in the week. Final scene may need to also be cropped for height.

    • Check List:
    • Background Picture is painted
      • Grading for cleanliness − Did you change brush sizes to maintain detail
      • Grading for paint color mix − did you use wet paint setting for better blending of paining

    • 6 different theme related photos painted
      • Each photo will be Graded for cleanliness − Did you change brush sizes to maintain detail
      • Each photo will be Graded for paint color mix − did you use wet paint setting for better blending of paining

Summative Project 189/185 pts possible
Create a Theme Painting 3 2 1 0
Background − ∑3 X 3 = 9*3 (27pts)
Proper paininting of Background Student has fully painted the background properly using the proper brush settings Student has not painted the full background properly using the proper brush settings 80% Student has not painted background in the project properly using the correct brushes Less than 50% Student did not paint the background at all correctly
Cleanliness Student has taken time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not taken enough time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not clearly taken any time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Students painting is not painted at all or it is just quickly done without care of quality
Paint Color Mix Student has properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes on all the painting Student shows they do not understand the wet & dry functions on the painting
Theme Parts 1 − 6 ∑9 X 6 = 54*3 (162pts)
Proper paininting of Layer Student has fully painted the Layer properly using the proper brush settings Student has not painted the full Layer properly using the proper brush settings 80% Student has not painted Layer in the project properly using the correct brushes Less than 50% Student did not paint the theme Layers at all correctly
Cleanliness Student has taken time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not taken enough time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Student has not clearly taken any time and care to make sure all items are painted correctly Students painting is not painted at all or it is just quickly done without care of quality
Paint Color Mix Student has properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes to make the painting blend well Student has not properly used the wet & dry functions of the brushes on all the painting Student shows they do not understand the wet & dry functions on the painting