This class will continue where Web Development left off in Code Academy working towards becoming a FEE Web Developer. Student will start in Fundamentals of CSS. Major topics covered: Building website off-platform & deploying of websites, Basic Bash coding, & Improved Styling with CSS (which covers etiquette of number of fonts to use, how to load google custom API fonts, adobe color theory for color choice, and advanced navigation set up of websites). This will help them prepare for Web Development III where they will learn about media sizing with grid and flex-box and start a personal portfolio of web work.

You will need to login as a Student

When it asks you for district name be sure you choose Cheney District 360 - You can click any of our schools

Then Click - Log in with Google

Go to G.Horvath Page and click Code Academy Icon

Lesson: Fundamentals of CSSNeed to log in before clicking this link

Website ExampleVideo Walkthrough
Healthy Recipes
Olivia Woodruff Portfolio
Healthy Recipes
Olivia Woodruff Portfolio

Lesson: Fundamentals of CSSNeed to log in before clicking this link

Website ExampleVideo Walkthrough
The Box Model:Davie's Burgers
The Box Model:Davie's Burgers

Lesson: Developing Websites LocallyNeed to log in before clicking this link

Dasmoto's Arts & Crafts

If you need Help ask.

Once all of this is done you can start programming the website based on the design specs given.

My Website Example of the project

Dasmoto's Arts & Crafts

Lesson: Deploying WebsitesNeed to log in before clicking this link

Deploying Website

There are a few videos (I would Skim watch them using arrows) about deploying Websites and Web Hosting

GitHub Pages



Bicycle World I just the hints to do project this is a link to the Video

Daily Buzz Just like Bicycle World use hints but this is the Video

Lesson: Improved Styling with CSSNeed to log in before clicking this link

Website ExampleVideo Walkthrough
Paint Store
Typography- SKIP STEP 7 - @font-face does not work from google
Paint Store
Challenge Project: Build your own Cheat Sheet
Build your own Cheat Sheet Just re-created their example project

Lesson: Improved Styling with CSSNeed to log in before clicking this link

Website ExampleVideo Walkthrough
The Summit- I combined the starting.css and the style.css for one sheet Buleberries The Summit
Challenge Project: Build a Website Desgn System
Build a Website Desgn System I would just recreate theirs the best you can. The fonts you will need to link them from google (Source Code Pro, Nunito Sans, Poppins)

Lesson: Fundamentals of Web DesignNeed to log in before clicking this link

On all these projects the color scheme is your choice so colors will be different, however all content should match. Use Adobe Color - For color schemes.

Website ExampleVideo Walkthrough
Journey Around the World
Pinpoint E-Commerce
Reel Good Reviews
Journey Around the World
Pinpoint E-Commerce
Reel Good Reviews