Part 1 Canvas set up
Part 2 Text & Shapes
Snowman Summative
Part 3 Background & Sprites
Create a scene (Sprites) Summative
Part 4 Sprite Animation
Aquarium Summative
Canvas lessons − How to create visible script on a webpage
How to create a canvas
I will download Sublime Text Editor for you for this Project
if you need a copy for your home computer
Click me!!
You will need to make a new file folder on your Desktop for Project files
You will need to open the Sublime Text editor application
When you open Sublime Text Editor it will be blank Click File option and save as and call it
→ canvas.html ←
Line 1: <html>
Line 2: <head></head>
Line 3: <body>
Line 4: <canvas style="background-color:pink;" width="800" height="800" id="myCanvas"></canvas>
This code sets up a canvas for us to program to the canvas tag can be adjusted height and width, the id part sets the name of the canvas.
Line 5: <script>
Line 6: canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
this establishes a link from script to the canvas
Line 7: ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
this gives a function variable call to draw things on the canvas
Line 8: </script>
Line 9: </body>
Line 10: </html>
This is the basic setup the canvas for usage
Lesson part 2