With students at this point having a basic understanding of JavaScript Syntax, they will in this section of JavaScript learn how to use it more functional with Web Development. Student major topics: Variables, Data Types, Conditionals, Functions & Scope. Half of the term will focus on DOM (direct object management) and user interactions creating interactive websites.

You will need to login as a Student

When it asks you for district name be sure you choose Cheney District 360 - You can click any of our schools

Then Click - Log in with Google

Go to G.Horvath Page and click Code Academy Icon

Lesson: JavaScript Syntax Part 1 - Introductions & Variables

Use the videos to check your work as you go. Remember it is your Learning!!!

In these sections I will provide screen shots of the final code if you get stuck. All of these can be made into HTML files and run on google, however output is in console log which you cannot see. If you would like to see one, ask me and I will show you Sleep Debt Calculator

JavaScript Code Screen ShotsVideo Walkthrough
Kelvin Weather
Dog Years
Kelvin Weather
Dog Years

You will need to login as a Student

When it asks you for district name be sure you choose Cheney District 360 - You can click any of our schools

Then Click - Log in with Google

Go to G.Horvath Page and click Code Academy Icon

Lesson: JavaScript Syntax Part 1 - Conditionals

Use the videos to check your work as you go. Remember it is your Learning!!!

In these sections I will provide screen shots of the final code if you get stuck. All of these can be made into HTML files and run on google, however output is in console log which you cannot see. If you would like to see one, ask me and I will show you Sleep Debt Calculator

JavaScript Code Screen ShotsVideo Walkthrough
Magic Eight Ball
Race Day
Magic Eight Ball
Race Day

You will need to login as a Student

When it asks you for district name be sure you choose Cheney District 360 - You can click any of our schools

Then Click - Log in with Google

Go to G.Horvath Page and click Code Academy Icon

Lesson: JavaScript Syntax Part 1 - Functions & Scope

Use the videos to check your work as you go. Remember it is your Learning!!!

In these sections I will provide screen shots of the final code if you get stuck. All of these can be made into HTML files and run on google, however output is in console log which you cannot see. If you would like to see one, ask me and I will show you Sleep Debt Calculator

JavaScript Code Screen ShotsVideo Walkthrough
Rock, Paper, or Scissors
Sleep Debt Calculator
Training Days
Number Guesser
Rock, Paper, or Scissors
Sleep Debt Calculator
Training Days
Number Guesser

Lesson: JavaScript How to use Canvas

Use the videos when avaiable to check your work as you go. Remember it is your Learning!!!

In these sections I will provide screen shots of the final code if you get stuck.

Lesson: JavaScript User Interaction

Use the videos when avaiable to check your work as you go. Remember it is your Learning!!!

In these sections I will provide screen shots of the final code if you get stuck.

Lesson: Final Projects

In this sections I will provide screen shots of the final code if you get stuck.