Computer Programming

Students will explore programming through game creation interfaces starting with game logic & puzzle solving, then through game interfaces (Scratch & design and create games and apps. These interfaces use drag and drop game program coding and allows the user to switch between blocks and text. After the 3rd programming class the programming goes into Front-End Engineering and helps students work toward Full-Stack certification. (Students taking this class multiple times can experience the pathway to Full-Stack Engineering)

For More Information


One of the most powerful pieces of software out there is Adobe Photoshop. Using this software you will create about a dozen projects, from creating your own creature to putting images inside of text. Students will also learn how to use these two tools in designing materials for Web Coding and programming.

Audio Video Club

About Us

This club works closely with yearbook and the school to film and capture events in Cheney middle school. We do live feeds of events for family members who are not able to attend and publish high quality video of the events or other needs of school for later viewing.

Learn to fly drones

All students will also Learn about FAA requirements under Recreational License on how to fly and operate a drone safely. They will have enough knowledge to pass their Recreational License test at age 13.

Hawk Programming

About Us

This club is newer to CMS, we are part of the CTE program that offers students an extension to learning, competition and connections to the community using computer programming.

Activities this Year

  • We will as a club for this year be preparing for a competitions January and May.
  • We will do community service work with Cheney Middle School to improve our school
  • We Currently planning field trip possible in March to Amazon IT department locally
  • We are also planning a programming camp for elementary students as a fundraiser for the club
  • We will hopefully have a Christmas party and an end of year pizza party with some awards for members

Student Officers

President – Tristan Sandeen

Vice President - Eli Beeler

Sectary/Treasure - James Dustin